Thursday, June 24, 2010

"Fourth" Project #1

For whatever reason,  I've never done a lot of decorating for the 4th. No conscious reason...maybe it's because we're not usually home but this year I was determined. So here's the first of we'll see how many projects! This started out as a table leg or banister part? Not sure which...I found it at my favorite salvage place for a dollar ( and of course bought more than 1):

I painted it red with appropriately named "Americana" acrylic paint, and then dry brushed it with white. I made a medallion for the center using crepe paper and a circle cut from a recycled cereal box covered with scrapbook paper. It needed something for the middle so I painted the center of a bottle cap with the red paint, put a gold "4" sticker from my sticker stash and then filled in the bottle cap with "Diamond Glaze" by JudiKins. This gave it a dimensional / enamely look:
I went around the raised areas of the leg/post thingy with a gold paint pen and then Mod Podged some scrap strips of the scrapbook paper. I originally thought I was going to put flags in the hole at the top of the leg/post thingy but that didn't work out so I Mod Podged a washer with more scrapbook paper and glued it to the top to make a base to support a votive candle holder and:

Not the best pic but here it is on my mantle ( next to my crystal candlestick I got for $4 to which I glued a piece of milk glass I got for $5 at the Salvation Army thrift store!)

Linking Up At:
  Beyond The Picket Fencegiveaways


  1. I love the blue and white star scrapbook paper details! So cute! :)


  2. I have so much admiration for crafty/creative people like you! I would have had no idea whatsoever that such a cool finished product was possible ... :)

  3. Very cute!
    I love decorating for the 4th.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    I have entered you in my giveaway.
    I will follow your blog as well.

  4. I love it! You are so clever!


  5. How fun! I love how it turned out! So cute!

  6. Hi,

    what a great site you have. I'm following you now from Welcome Wednesday (a bit belated lol). Please follow me back


  7. I like how it looks a bit roughed up! Great job!

  8. I'm doing a lot of decorating for the 4th this year too. I'm blaming it on the blog, lol.

    This is just too cute. Hope you'll stop by Thursday & link it up to Fab Finds for the Fourth! Would love to have you!


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