Wednesday, May 19, 2010

$1.92 Wreath!

I'm one of those people who when she goes to the $1 store, doesn't just buy one of the thing I went for. So when it comes to things like their deal on wreath forms, I buy several because you never know when you might need one right? Combine that with a complete inability to not stop at the 50% off remnant bin at JoAnn's and Houston, we have a problem.

I took one of these: ($1)

and a $.92 remnant of duck cloth or whatever it is that looks like muslin but is heavier. Cut the duck cloth in approx 1 inch strips ( exactness isn't required) and wrap your wreath form. I just used pins, started with one strip and when I came to the end, started with the next strip until the thing was covered.  Still new at remembering to take pics as I go along.

With the remaining remnant, I made flowers using Maize in Montana's frayed flower tutorial  which I first saw in Stampington & Company's 

and made flowers. I made 6 but ended up using 4 so two will show up on some other project...I'm thinking a grocery tote or something...haven't decided yet. I glued the flowers to the wreath and:

I decided it needed something and having gone to a store over the weekend that specializes in being a "purveyor of  fine goods" ( translation, stuff they can get away with waaaaaaay over pricing) and seeing a lot of things with cool tags on them, decided to add some shabby tags to the wreath:

And the end result:

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  1. I like it...But I do think it might need a color splash. Don't know what though. But it's definitley an idea I would copy. THANKS!

  2. Thanks. It probably doesn't help that it's against my cream wall. I might add one more flower on the other side in a deep color.

  3. I always come out of the dollar tree with way more than i needed! I just keep tossing things in thinking, hey its just a dollar! I need that too! Love the flowers on the wreath!

  4. My husband gives me grief because I say "It was only a dollar" and is convinced they actually mark some stuff up to a dollar, but I know what you mean. I'm also bad about the dollar section of Michaels, and when they have a 2 for $1, forget it. Fill the cart.

  5. Super cute...great price...BIG impact! My kind of project.

  6. AnonymousMay 19, 2010

    Clever wreath...I'd go with a splash of color also.
    Just opened an inter-office envelope my BFF at work sent to me ~ thought of you ~ a sweet GODIVA candy bar: dark chocolate with raspberry :D
    sorry...not sharing :D

  7. Love the combo of homespun type fabric, pleated flowers and the distressed tags. Very chic and stylish!

  8. Thanks Holly, Bear's Mom, Ann, and Maize. Glad you like it and really appreciate you stopping by to take a look. Have a great day all!

  9. Such a cool idea! I might have to do this for a nice summer wreath to hang on my door!

    Katie P

  10. Hey, saw your comment, so sorry about the missing follow link! I removed the "Followers" widget a looooong time ago, and didn't realize it took my "Follow Me" button away too!

    It's back now, I'd love it if you would follow me :)

    Katie P

  11. LOVE this!! It's so classic and fun! I am exactly like you when it comes to the dollar store. I tell myself I'm doing my bank a favor and not using my debit card for $ I buy at least 3 (10) items, ha!! I'm saving this wreath for future making! :)
    Terrell @ FFD


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